divise tra Frasi, Aforismi, Barzellette, Freddure, Citazioni di Film, Indovinelli, Poesie, Racconti e Proverbi da tutto il mondo, oltre alle bellissime immagini con frasi.
I would never see a good movie for the first time on television.
God employs several translators; some pieces are translated by age, some by sickness, some by war, some by justice.
I need to remember to overcome.
It may serve for a great lesson of humiliation to mankind to behold the habits and passions of men trampling over interest, friendship, honour, and their own personal safety, as well as that of their country.
Just as we bemoan the passing away of the Great Novel, a great novelist is likely to emerge, perhaps even from Denmark or Switzerland, to prove us wrong.
every day!