The best humorous quotes on Satire

Posted by: Edoardo Grimoldi
in Humor (Satire)
It's disarming to see famous signatures grope in front of the satire and to its nature. Vulgarity, all along, is the main excuse of who wants to stuff the mouth to the satire. Once and for all it has to be clear (the more or less interested dodgers bore me a little): vulgarity is the Technique of the satire. With this technique, the satire expresses ideas and opinions. Censoring the satire (in the name of the bad taste or of other ephemeral and specious principles) is the same as to ban the opinions. It's fascism. Whoever lingers in disquisitions on the good taste is a censor. Stop. The law establishes the only limit: defamation, slanders. The satire is art: or it's totally Free, or it's not satire.
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