Quotes from the Movies featuring Jessica Capshaw

- Dr. Callie Torres: Hey, I've got a plan to stop George. Are you in?
- Dr. Arizona Robbins: Stop George from what?
- Dr. Miranda Bailey: He joined the army.
[Looks at Callie]
- Dr. Miranda Bailey: Yes I'm in.
[Walks away]
- Dr. Arizona Robbins: Bailey, no I'm talking to you.
[Turns to Callie]
- Dr. Arizona Robbins: Why are you trying to stop him?
- Dr. Callie Torres: Because he joined the army.
- Dr. Arizona Robbins: And?
- Dr. Callie Torres: And because he's my ex-husband. And because I know his mom, and I love his mom, and normally Izzy would talk sense to him, but she's got cancer and kind of a bad mental deficient so it's on me to stop him.
- Dr. Arizona Robbins: Why would you wanna stop him?
- Dr. Callie Torres: Because he joined the army, don't you think that's a problem?
- Dr. Arizona Robbins: I think that's awesome.
- Dr. Callie Torres: Awesome!
[Walks away]
Dr. Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez), Dr. Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw), Dr. Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson)
from the movie "Grey's Anatomy" by TV Series
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    - Dr. Arizona Robbins: Hey, I thought you were in surgery?
    - Dr. Callie Torres: I'm on my way.
    - Dr. Arizona Robbins: Have you talked to Bailey about this peds and Tucker thing?
    - Dr. Callie Torres: No, I've talked to Bailey about the army thing and George.
    - Dr. Arizona Robbins: Are you upset with me?
    - Dr. Callie Torres: Ha, no I'm awesome.
    - Dr. Arizona Robbins: Calliope.
    - Dr. Callie Torres: No, do not. Do not Calliope me. Ok, you said it was awesome. George. Sweet, kind George, who can't even kill a fly is joining the army to go to Iraq in the middle of a war and you said awesome.
    - Dr. Arizona Robbins: It is awesome.
    - Dr. Callie Torres: No it is not awesome, God who are you.
    Dr. Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw), Dr. Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez)
    from the movie "Grey's Anatomy" by TV Series
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      - Dr. Arizona Robbins: Maybe I don't understand people, I don't see things. So maybe I don't get what's wrong with you, or why your so mad, but I do think it's awesome, I think George joining the army is awesome.
      - Dr. Callie Torres: Um shut up.
      - Dr. Arizona Robbins: Um no, you asked me who I was, I am person who thinks what George is doing is dangerous and terrifying and brave. He's going to serve his country, he's going to risk his life to save the men and women who make it possible so you and I can sleep safely in our beds, I'm a person who thinks that is brave, and I am a person who stood in a air plane hanger and watched them unload my brothers body in a coffin, and all we got was a flag. My brother died because there weren't enough doctors Callie, so for my money George O'Malley is a Patriot, he's a hero and I'm grateful that he exists. So yea, the world I use is awesome, that's who I am.
      [Starts to walk away]
      - Dr. Callie Torres: [Callie grabs her hand] I'm sorry.
      Dr. Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez), Dr. Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw)
      from the movie "Grey's Anatomy" by TV Series
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