
The philosopher forms his principles on an infinity of particular observations. Grace causes the Christian to act, reason the philosopher. Other men are carried away by their passions, their actions not being preceded by reflection: these are the men who walk in darkness. On the other hand, the... [continue to read »]
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    Between the first and second Passover John and Christ baptized together, till the imprisonment of John, which was four months before the second. Then Christ began to preach, and call his disciples; and after he had instructed them a year, lent them to preach in the cities of the Jews: at the... [continue to read »]
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      Against our traditions we are now entering upon an unjust and trivial war, a war against a helpless people, and for a base object, robbery. At first our citizens spoke out against this thing, by an impulse natural to their training. Today they have turned, and their voice is the other way. What... [continue to read »]
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        Behold, then, a new religion, a new society; upon this twofold foundation there must inevitably spring up a new poetry. Previously following therein the course pursued by the ancient polytheism and philosophy, the purely epic muse of the ancients had studied nature in only a single aspect... [continue to read »]
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          There is a certain tragic phase of humanity which, in our opinion, was never more powerfully embodied than by Hawthorne. We mean the tragedies of human thought in its own unbiassed, native, and profounder workings. We think that into no recorded mind has the intense feeling of the usable truth... [continue to read »]
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            Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you've never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true... [continue to read »]
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              They are the other half of the sky, and without them there is nothing. And without us there's nothing. There's only the two together creating children, creating society. I'm 40, I wanna talk to the people my age. I'm happy if the young people like it, and I'm happy if the old people like it, I'm... [continue to read »]
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