
Posted by: Alexis Karpouzos
I come from the depths of infinity
and from all directions of space-time.
I traveled through dark tunnels, went through solar storms.
I went straight, circled, parallel, rotated as a spiral.
Cosmic clouds trapped me and escaped from them.
Avoided collisions with meteories.
I was helped by exotic particles,
neutron stars and the love of gravity.
Every leaf, every flower, every mountain and lake,
every cloud and every star and every atom recognize me and greet me.
I feel that I have live for million lifetimes.
Who am I? What is my purpose?
Last night I sent a question into universe, asking "who am I or am I not?
The universe responded immediately:
You asked me the same thing billions of years ago.
And then and now I answer:
You're the smile of no birth and no death,
The Hidden Law.
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    Posted by: Alexis Karpouzos
    I know that I shall meet my shadow,
    one day, is our fate. I know that, someday,
    the light ends for us and the deadly gravity
    will absorb us. And again, a magician spark
    will shine and a ocean of souls
    will flood the universe and will
    give birth to stars and grief.
    And maybe, just maybe, in another heaven,
    my dreams will be your dreams.
    You see, everything repeats itself
    and everything will be reincarnated in different forms.
    An incredible miracle, carefree, and we live in it.
    The miracle is folded into your heart.
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      Posted by: Giulia Ciotola
      Protect your heart my head said
      So delicate, so fragile
      like a flower I kept it
      hidden deep into the branches
      but then you came
      like a sunshine

      Without fear you
      you destroyed every barrier
      Whathever it was
      doesn't matter you get hurt
      but in the end, so brave
      you got that flower
      you picked that flower

      Step by step
      a smile, a pat
      closer and closer to this little bud
      waiting for you to bloom

      Without fear you
      you destroyed every barrier
      Whathever it was
      doesn't matter you get hurt
      but in the end, so brave
      you got that flower
      you picked that flower

      All those branches
      there's no need anymore
      my heart is stronger now
      all thanks to you
      You're the light
      you're the water
      I'll trust you more
      step by step
      without fear
      I'll hold your hand

      I'll hold your hand.
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        Posted by: Marco Bo
        Grey sky suburban thorns
        empty streets since we were born

        you never want to leave my hand
        going far away looking for home

        beginnings ends scars glories, little stories
        scattered beats, musical notes without
        rhythm and music sheet

        as we are
        and yet
        from the nameless crowd
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