The best quotes by Anonymous

You can find this author also in Quotes & Aphorisms, in Poems, in Murphy's laws and in Proverbs.

Posted by: dolce bimba
It's a strange pain. Dying of nostalgia for something you'll never live. Hate isn't the worst thing, but that indifference that comes from whom you love. Some things leave a sort of emptiness inside you, unfillable, too deep and infinite, in the heart there only lies silence, so you feel suffocating, you'd want to scream and then realizing you're completely alone. You feel petrified, and impotently you only manage to cry, you lose clarity and you feel as if your wound will never stop bleeding.
I miss you terribly even if I shouldn't.
Yet one day, who knows which and how far it may be, you'll know of my existence.
I don't know how long I can still resist.
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    Trusting someone too much means tying part of yourself to them... and when that person will let you down, part of you will be torn away... maybe it's better that way... we realized how it really is.
    Written on wednesday february 8, 2012
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