Wedding Wishes Quotes

Posted by: Cinzia Coppola
in Quotes for Every Occasion (Wedding Wishes)
Love grows fed by as much love
and walks astep with the teachings you want to give it.
Walk together in mutual respect
and feed each other with small doses of
kindness, cuddles, affection and as many beautiful things may exist
to fill the heart with joy
it'll all fill the heart with joy
it'll all fill you with immense love.
Best wishes!
Written on wednesday june 13, 2012
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    Posted by: gianni55
    in Quotes for Every Occasion (Wedding Wishes)
    Dear friends today your paths meet becoming one starting a journey made of joy, love and responsability. And if along this journey you should find any obstacles I am sure that, thanks to the strength of your love, you'll overcome them making sure your life to be an eternal honeymoon. Best wishes.
    Written on saturday april 18, 2009
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