Posted by: dolce bimba
in Quotes & Aphorisms (Ancient aphorisms )
If you want to get to know the true nature of a man you must give him a great power.
If you want to get to know the true nature of a man you must give him a great power.
Everyone wants our well-being, let's not let them steal it from us.
I disapprove what you're saying, but I'll defend until death your right to say it.
Men don't die for lack of food in a desert. They die by falling prey to their emotions.
Loving, in the most ample and universal sense of the word, takes to sacrificing a bit of ourselves and often takes us to think that maybe it isn't worth it or it's not absolutely indispensable, or "we should jump the ditch", but Love is already within us and when you feel affection and passion for someone, no one imposes it on you but it's like a magnet that takes you to feel this emotion.
Loving goes over physical attraction, loving means also helping, sharing, rejoicing and feeling pain together, may it be a partner, a friend or a family member.
Loving is an inconditioned reflex that nothing or no one can modify,even if sometimes we impose ourselves to erase it from our mind... but only from the mind, not from the heart.
Hearing, looking, talking can sometimes hurt but other times not hearing, not looking and not talking makes you feel even more hurt. So do what you feel like doing.
You think you're someone and you're no one, try being no one then you'll be someone.
Don't hurt but, in case you should be, don't act by instinct stop think and defend yourself.
It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.
No water-drinker ever wrote anything nice.