Generally among intelligent people are found nothing but paralytics and among men of action nothing but fools.
Generally among intelligent people are found nothing but paralytics and among men of action nothing but fools.
Wisdom comes not from reason but from love.
True intelligence very readily conceives of an intelligence superior to its own; and this is why truly intelligent men are modest.
To know how to free oneself is nothing; the arduous thing is to know what to do with one's freedom.
The most important things to say are those which often I did not think necessary for me to say, because they were too obvious.
It seems to me that had I not known Dostoevsky or Nietzsche or Freud or x or z, I should have thought just as I did, and that I found in them rather an authorization than an awakening. Above all, they taught me to cease doubting, to cease fearing my thoughts, and to let those thoughts lead me to those lands that were not uninhabitable because after all I found them already there.
The only really Christian art is that which, like St. Francis, does not fear being wedded to poverty. This rises far above art-as-ornament.
The abominable effort to take one's sins with one to paradise.
When people felt they had a right to seek out Christ before the torment, and in the fullness of his joy, it was too late; the cross had overcome Christ himself; it was Christ crucified that people continued to see and teach. And thus it is that religion came to plunge the world into gloom.
Most often people seek in life occasions for persisting in their opinions rather than for educating themselves.