The best quotes by Carl Gustav Jung

Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and anthropologist, born monday july 26, 1875 in Kesswil (Switzerland), died tuesday june 6, 1961 in Küsnacht (Switzerland)

Posted by: Silvana Stremiz
The initiatic experience, therefore, represents a change of visual that allowed the man to be connected with the divine. Apparently, in our current world the initiations seem disappeared, but they still exist as which weakened rituals of passage, indeed the several celebrations that are carried out for the new year, the births, the birthdays or any social type of conquest, are a pale memory of the rituals of spiritual rebirth that went with the man in long time. Very rarely, today, these passages correspond to ontological changes of the individual that exhausts them instead in an acquisition of concrete personal power and not in symbolic sense. For this reason the man more does not succeed to put into effect that form of spiritual regeneration that was natural in other times.
Carl Gustav Jung
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    I don't regret the people I lost with time... but I regret the time tht I lost with certain people, because the people didn't belong to me, but time did.
    Carl Gustav Jung
    Written on sunday february 3, 2002
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      Posted by: sagea
      We mustn't be subjected to anything, not even to good. A so-called good, to which you succumb, loses the ethycal character. It doesn't become bad in itself, but by being dominated it can have some bad consequences. Every shape of intoxication is is unhealthy, it makes no difference if alcohol or morphine or idealism.
      We mustn't consider good and evil as two opposites.
      Carl Gustav Jung
      Written on monday july 18, 2011
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