Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Anon, my heart: Say farewell and recover!
The wisdom that a scholar tries to communicate to others, always sounds like madness.
Love is every motion of our soul in which it feels itself and it perceives its life.
The young girl totally absorbed me, without me joining the general conversation. I felt her living and moving like surrounded by a gentle music, and the delicate, deep fascination of her being encircled me dense, sweet and strong like the scent of a flower. As much as good this was for me, I could feel without a doubt that seeing her could not calm me and satisfy me and that the pain, if I would be again separated from her, would have become much more excruciating. In the delicate person of her, my fate and the flourishing spring of my life seemed to look at me, that I had to grab and to hold, because they would nevercome back. It was not a physical desire of kisses and of a night of love...It was more a pleased confidence that in that dear figure my destiny wanted to meet me, and that the spirit of her was friend to me, and that my happiness had also to be hers.
Every human being is something personal and unique; the need to substitute the place of personal conscience with a collective one is already a violence, and the first step towards any form of totalitarianism.
Being able to fall asleep when one is tired and being able to let off a weight that has been lugged for a long time, is a delight, a marvellous fact. Since we dug our grave I have been more delighted and satisfied than how I had ever been in years.
Nothing is harder to man that to follow the route that takes him to himself.
Young people believe to live forever, and therefore they favour every thought and every desire. The old ones are already shrewed that somewhere there is an end, and that all that is possessed and it makes for one's self, at the end it will fall in a grave and it will not have had some value. For this they need a various eternity and to believe that they do not only work for the worms. That's why there are wife and sons, transactions, job, homeland: for giving to a scope to the hard work and the daily sacrifices.
All the books of the world don't give you happiness, but in secret they refer to you.
There is everything you needin there, sun stars moon.
Because the light that you looked for lives in your chest.
The wisdom that you have looked for a long time in a library sines in every sheet, because now it's yours.