in Quotes & Aphorisms (Wisdom)
Real soup is to the body what peace is to the soul.
Real soup is to the body what peace is to the soul.
When love exists, nothing else matters, not life's predicaments, not the fury of the years, not a physical winding down or scarcity of opportunity.
The source of my difficulties has always been the same: an inability to accept what to others seems natural, and an irresistible tendency to voice opinions no one wants to hear.
He had only to touch me to turn my tears into sighs and my anger to desire. How accomodating love is; it forgives everything.
Write what should not be forgotten.
I need to remember to overcome.
Someone has said that conversation is sex for the soul.
With age, you acquire a certain humility, Alexander. The longer I live, the more uninformed I feel. Only the young have an explanation for everything. At your age, you can afford to commit the sin of arrogance, and it doesn't matter much if you look ridiculous.
A day more to wait, one less to hope. A day more of silence, one less of life. The death wander through the hallways and my task is to enjoy her because she doesn't find your door.
I try not to think about tomorrow; the future doesn't exist, say the indio of the highlands, we only count on the past to draw experience and knowledge, and on the present which is just the beat of an eyelid, because in that same instant it turns into past.