Posted by: Andrea Manfrč
in Quotes & Aphorisms (Wisdom)
In the bright realm of values, we have no excuse behind us, nor justification before us. We are alone, with no excuses.
In the bright realm of values, we have no excuse behind us, nor justification before us. We are alone, with no excuses.
My world... This great absurd being. One couldn't even wonder where it came from, all this, nor why a wold existed rather than nothing. It didn't have any sense, the world was present everywhere, in front, behind. There was nothing before that. Nothing. There wasn't a moment in which it couldn't have not existed. It was exactly this which irritated me: without a doubt there was no reason for it to exist, this crawling larvae. But it wasn't possible for it not to exist. It was unthinkable: to imagine nothingness one needed to be there already, in a full world, as a living soul, with wide eyes, nothingness was but an idea in my head, an existing idea, fluctuating within that immensity: that nothingness didn't come before existence, it was an existence like many others and appeared after many others.
Being is. Being is in-itself. Being is what it is. These are the three characteristics which the preliminary examination of the phenomenon of being allows us to assign to the being of phenomena.
The meaning of the being of the existent in so far as it reveals itself to consciousness is the phenomenon of being. This meaning has itself a being, based on which it manifests itself.
We do not know what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are: that is the fact.
When the rich fight the rich, it is the poor who die.
To eat is to appropriate by destruction.
Fascism isn't defined by the number of its victims but by the way in which they are killed-
Divorced men who re-marry are passional habitual deliquents.
I hate the victims who respect their executioners.