Quotes by Jean-Paul Sartre

Philosopher, writer, playwright, literary critic and activist , born wednesday june 21, 1905 in Paris (France), died tuesday april 15, 1980 in Paris (France)
You can find this author also in Poems and in Humor.

I came to claim my kingdom and you refused me because I was not one of you. Now I am one of you, my subjects, we are bound by blood, and I deserve to be your king. Your sins and your remorse, your mighty anguish, I take all upon myself. Fear your dead no more, they are my dead.
Jean-Paul Sartre
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    If you die, I will lie down beside you and I will stay there until the end, without eating or drinking, you will rot in my arms and I will love you as carcass: for you love nothing if you do not love everything.
    Jean-Paul Sartre
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      Every age has its own poetry; in every age the circumstances of history choose a nation, a race, a class to take up the torch by creating situations that can be expressed or transcended only through poetry.
      Jean-Paul Sartre
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        Your crystal? That's silly. Whom do you think you are fooling? Come on, everyone knows that I threw the baby out of the window. The crystal is shattered on earth, and I do not care. I am no longer anything but a skin, and my skin does not belong to you.
        Jean-Paul Sartre
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          What do you want to do with the Communist Party? A racing stable? What good is it to sharpen a knife every day if you never use it for slicing? A party is never more than a means. There is only one objective: power.
          Jean-Paul Sartre
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            This means also that the type of being of consciousness is the opposite of that which the ontological proof reveals to us. Since consciousness is not possible before being, but since its being is the source and condition of all possibility, its existence implies its essence.
            Jean-Paul Sartre
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