If to live they tell you to "sit down and shut up" you get up and die fighting.
If to live they tell you to "sit down and shut up" you get up and die fighting.
I didn't choose to be born so let me live as I please.
.I love the teen-agers because all that that you/they do they do it for the first time.
The hero is not who never falls, but who once fallen has the courage to raise itself.
In this world of war and violence even the flowers cry... and we continue to believe that it is dew.
If you haven't a reason to live, don't find one to die.
If you think that love is a dream, don't be surprised if you'll wake up crying.
Do not settle horizon. Search infinity.
The permanent temptation of life is to confuse dreams with reality.
Be always yourself... Nobody could say that you are doing it wrong.