Every one of us has a pair of wings, but only who dreams will learnt to fly.
Every one of us has a pair of wings, but only who dreams will learnt to fly.
When people ask me what means to love somebody, I lower my eyes by being afraid to remember.
Laughing and joking does not always mean to be happy, sometimes laughing and joking to forget that it wants to cry.
Living without trying means having always the doubt that you'll have made it.
The soul of a person is hidden in its look, that's why we are afraid to be looked in the eyes.
One day also the war will been him the sound of a guitar.
Always smile, even if it's a sad one, for sadder that a sad smile is only the sadness of not knowing how to smile.
Sleep, because in the sleep you can find what the day cannot give you.
When we'll die, we'll certainly go to heaven because we have already lived hell in here.
The mirror is my best friend because when I cry it never laughs.