in Quotes & Aphorisms (Wisdom)
Live life as you can, because you can't as you want to.
Live life as you can, because you can't as you want to.
I'd give all my days for a single yesterday.
Never say dreams are useless because useless is the life of those who can't dream.
Internal freedom is the only thing worth dying for, the only thing worth living for.
One day I took a daisy and I did "she loves me or she loves me not"... the first time I got that she loved me so she loved me, the second time I got that she loved me not, but I didn't worry... even daisies can lie.
There are different types of freedom, and there are many misunderstandings in the matter? The most important type of freedom is being what you really are. You exchange your freedom for a role. You exchange your senses for an act. You sell your capability of hearing, and in exchange you wear a mask. You can deprive a man from his political freedom and you won't hurt him? That's until you don't deprive him of his freedom of feeling. That could destroy him.
We're good at nothing but capable of anything.