Posted by: Andrea Manfrč
in Quotes & Aphorisms (Life)
Truly wise is he who lives every day as if it were his last.
Truly wise is he who lives every day as if it were his last.
Death smiles to all; man cannot but smile back.
Always be prepared to change idea if you find someone capable of convincing you that yours is wrong.
How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it.
How much time he gains who does not look to see what his neighbor says or does or thinks, but only at what he does himself, to make it just and holy.
Mark how fleeting and paltry is the estate of man - yesterday in embryo, tomorrow a mummy or ashes. So for the hairsbreadth of time assigned to thee, live rationally, and part with life cheerfully, as drops the ripe olive, extolling the season that bore it and the tree that matured it.
Whatever may happen to thee, it was prepared for thee from all eternity; and the implication of causes was from eternity spinning the thread of thy being, and of that which is incident to it.
Though thou be destined to live three thousand years and as many myriads besides, yet remember that no man loseth other life than that which he liveth, nor liveth other than that which he loseth.
It is man's peculiar duty to love even those who wrong him.
Nothing happens to anybody which he is not fitted by nature to bear.