Always take the short cut; and that is the rational one. Therefore say and do everything according to soundest reason.
Always take the short cut; and that is the rational one. Therefore say and do everything according to soundest reason.
Waste not the remnant of thy life in those imaginations touching other folk, whereby thou contributest not to the common weal.
By remembering then that I am a part of such a whole, I shall be content with everything that happens. And inasmuch as I am in a manner intimately related to the parts which are of the same kind with myself, I shall do nothing unsocial, but I shall rather direct myself to the things which are of the same kind with myself, and I shall turn all my efforts to the common interest, and divert them from the contrary.
From Antisthenes: It is royal to do good and be abused.
All is ephemeral — fame and the famous as well.
All those [events in history] were such dramas as we see now, only with different actors.
Thou seest how few be the things, the which if a man has at his command his life flows gently on and is divine.
The universal nature has no external space; but the wondrous part of her art is that though she has circumscribed herself, everything which is within her which appears to decay and to grow old and to be useless she changes into herself, and again makes other new things from these very same, so that she requires neither substance from without nor wants a place into which she may cast that which decays. She is content then with her own space, and her own matter, and her own art.
A wrongdoer is often a man who has left something undone, not always one who has done something.
The art of life is more like the wrestler's art than the dancer's, in respect of this, that it should stand ready and firm to meet onsets which are sudden and unexpected.