Having had a good upbringing nowadays is a great disadvantage as it excludes you from so many things.
Having had a good upbringing nowadays is a great disadvantage as it excludes you from so many things.
The man who says he has exhausted life generally means that life has exhausted him.
Memory in a woman is the beginning of dowdiness. One can always tell from a woman's bonnet whether she has got a memory or not.
How exaggerated is the importance of faith! Even in love it is but physiological, indipendently from will. Young men want to be faithful, and are not: old men want to be faithless and cannot.
There is no reason for one to display his life to the world. The world doesn't understand.
The value of an idea has nothing whatever to do with the sincerity of the man who expresses it. Actually, it is more probable that the more insincere the man is, the more purely intellectual will the idea be, and in that case it will not be coloured by either his wants, his desires, or his prejudices.
The tragedies we survive come from outside, they're accidents. But to suffer for a mistake -ah!- that is by far the largest pain one may feel.
To be entirely free, and at the same time, entirely dominated by law, is the eternal paradox of human life that we realise at every moment.
Intellect is in itself a mode of exaggeration, and destroys the harmony of any face.
I never talk during music, at least, during good music. If one hears bad music, it is one's duty to drown it in conversation.