in Quotes & Aphorisms (Love)
This is how your heart gets snagged, like a balloon on a barbed-wire fence, this is where pieces of you get torn away.
This is how your heart gets snagged, like a balloon on a barbed-wire fence, this is where pieces of you get torn away.
And there are people that will stand in your corner and convince you to stand up for another round no matter what.
Our brains may lie to us, but our hearts never do.
First he threw out all of his records, trashed his heart and then he went to sleep.
I'll be your number one with a bullet.
Emo is over, you can all go home now.
They did a study and found that countless men would choose gambling over love if given the chance. Even more would choose pornography over love if given the chance. We are cavemen; and it seems like that will never change. I wonder if the men they studied have ever really been in love? I wonder how corporations will use this information to their advantage? "Hallmark cards and boxes of Fanny May chocolates will save humanity," or something to the effect. It depresses me to think about it. "
It's all the same to me, a fucking red flag emblazoned with the words do not become emotionally involved with me, and this bed is barely big enough for my own baggage.
"What are you looking at?" she asks.
"What am I looking at? My future wife? The mother of my children? The person I was put on this earth to find? Yes."
Let's just make it through tonight, worry about the rest later.