Posted by: Roberto Giusti
in Quotes & Aphorisms (Life)
Sex between unknown people is like a big mistery... all to discover!
Sex between unknown people is like a big mistery... all to discover!
I walk blind in this sad world, because also the clouds have obscured my only source of light... the moon.
So I move unknown steps in the dark, givin' up to my interior abyss...
In my instability... I'm always stable.
Damned angels are missing traveller... inside a time without affinity!
Your soul will find peace finally... down there where the sea and the sky will interlace their way.
Damned angels are those who spend life through the hell... to join paradise.
In good time or in bad time, memory... is an experience that oppress you in time.
Eternity... is a moment that we'd like to extend to infinity.
We... Tears lost into an ocean of sadness, deep as dark abysses and unattainable mirages in the sun.
And still... Live by love... not to Die by Loneliness.