Posted by: Mare Luna
in Quotes & Aphorisms (Life)
It is said that when someone looks at the stars it is as if they wanted to find their own dimension lost in the universe.
It is said that when someone looks at the stars it is as if they wanted to find their own dimension lost in the universe.
Who nowadays wants to have a career must be a bit of a cannibal.
The secret of my prestige shall remain my secret.
When Dalì was sick he said: "Turn on the TV, I want to know how is he".
This glorious tragedy we call modern art.
Have no fear of perfection, you'll never reach it.
At the age of six I wanted to be a chef. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has gone constantly growing from them.
I believe that the moment is near when by a procedure of active paranoiac thought, it will be possible to systematize confusion and contribute to the total discrediting of the world of reality.
Do tou think that until the earth is round, you will be able to find everywhere natural landscapes? Can a round face have more than one nose? There are still few landscapes. They converge all here. Catalunia is the center of the world.
I do not paint a portrait to look like the subject, rather does the subject grow to look like his portrait.