in Quotes & Aphorisms (Wisdom)
There's no greater bliss in life than when the plumber eventually comes to unblock your drains. No writer can give that sort of pleasure.
There's no greater bliss in life than when the plumber eventually comes to unblock your drains. No writer can give that sort of pleasure.
Oh, Salvador, now you know the truth; if you act the genius you will be one.
Let my enemies devour each other.
The first man to compare the cheeks of a young woman to a rose was obviously a poet; the first to repeat it was possibly an idiot.
Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad.
When Dalì was sick he said: "Turn on the TV, I want to know how is he".
Each morning when I awake, I experience again a supreme pleasure – that of being Salvador Dali.
There are some days when I think I'm going to die from an overdose of satisfaction.
In order to acquire an increasing and long-lasting respect in society, it's a good thing, if you own a great talent, to give, soon in your youthfulness, a beautiful kick to the right shank of the society that you love. After this, be a snob.
I believe that the moment is near when by a procedure of active paranoiac thought, it will be possible to systematize confusion and contribute to the total discrediting of the world of reality.