The world divides itself in: those which eat the chocolate without bread; those which are not able to eat the chocolate if they do not eat also the bread; those which don't have chocolate; those which don't have the bread.
The world divides itself in: those which eat the chocolate without bread; those which are not able to eat the chocolate if they do not eat also the bread; those which don't have chocolate; those which don't have the bread.
The law of the wise teddy bear says: it's better a good book at the loo than a shitty book in the living room.
Only dead fishes go with the stream.
The giraffe is the only animal that has the heart far from the thoughts... It has fallen in love yesterday and still doesn't know it.
While a voice says: it's closing time, the customers are kindly invited to exit. The lights are wound down, she exits. The city is grey outside, the public square is empty, the church armored from a gate, you cannot sit down anymore on the steps, God perhaps goes around with a bulletproof vest, Alice thinks. And she thinks that maybe this evening she will have to sleep to the station, she will not be able to resist that cold, she will not be able to go ahead, but you speak about courage and grit and dignity to me, I'm only a meter and sixty-two for forty-seven kilos, how can I andle the squeak of the world and the shouts of the dead men and the false rock and the chill and the hunger, the oyster eaters and the benevolent dealers...
I have not made the '68 the '77' one and maybe I will not even make the 2008.
I need an angel.
Otherwise, I do not know how to do.
Within a sun beam that come inside from the window, sometimes we see the life in the air. And we call it dust.
Happiness is maybe another thing, but what it's passed me right there under my eyes, these years, I would never change with anything.
One believes that when the things are good, when they have taken the course of happiness, the road will be always in slope, it's enough to give more boost and the pleasure increases, it becomes breathtaking, and we will be more and more happy until we reach the trampoline of the fortune and we fly in the nirvana of the perfect ass.
It's not like this.
Quickly humps, bumps, pebbles in the middle of the street, and swerves outside the hairpin curves. And in front of us a great climb where you don't see the top.