in Quotes & Aphorisms (Behavior)
Bad artists always admire each others work.
Bad artists always admire each others work.
Cynicism is the only form in which base souls approach honesty.
The only thing that can be said on sincerity is that nobody has been sincere enough.
I don't write to please convent girls, I write to please myself.
Sometimes it's necessary to close the door, leaving outside the negative things so that all that is beautiful and positive doesn't risk being nullified. All that is done is often object of injustified manipulations, but if we fall in the game, we risk being hit and leaving it in pieces, because what counts isn't only the authenticity of words but also those silences filled with respect when you don't have the gift of weighing words.
Don't waste time with those who don't step towards you; continue on your path without turning back.
If to badmouth me are the idiots and the infamous I don't care, I'd worry only if the intelligent did.
Ants build together colossal anthills because they are united! Men should take the example.
I am what I am, not what others want me to be.
Silences, immense ones, are like deafning thunder.