The best Quotes from the Book:Living, Loving, Learning

Leo Buscaglia

Posted by: mor-joy
By laughing you risk looking silly;
by crying you risk being called sentimental;
by entering in contact with someone you risk getting involved;
by showing your feelings you risk showing your true self;
by displaying your ideas and dreams you risk being called naive;
by loving you risk not being requited;
by living you risk dying;
by hoping you risk desperation and
by trying you risk failing.
But you must take risks, for the biggest risk in life is that of not risking anything.
The person who risks nothing is nothing and shall be nothing. They may avoid pain and anxiety, but they can't learn to fell and change and develop and love and live. Chained to their certainties, they're slaves.
They abandoned liberty.
Only he who risks shall be really free.
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