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in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
I also knew that from this moment on I was going to experience heaven and hell, joy and pain, dreams and hopelessness; that I would no longer be capable of containing the winds that blew from the hidden corners of my soul. I knew that from this moment on love would be my guide and that it had waited to lead me ever since childhood, when I had felt love for the first time. (from "By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept")
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    in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
    When the road behind you is longer that the one you have ahead o you, you notice something you never saw before: the path you took wasn't straight but full of crossings, every step had an arrow indicating a different direction; from there started a lane, from there a grassy trail that lost itself in the woods. One of these byways you took not noticing, some other you hadn't even seen; those you ignored you have no idea where they would've taken you, if in a better or worse place; you don't know but equally you feel regret. You could've done something and you didn't, you went back instead of going on. Snakes and ladders, do you remember that game? Life more or less is the same way. Along the crossroads of your life you'll meet other lives, to know them or not to know them, to live them or not to live them completely or to leave them all together depends only on the choice of a moment; even if you don't know it, between going straight or deviating you often gamble your existence, that of who is next to you.
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      in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
      The warrior of light has learnt that God uses solitude to teach cohabitation. He uses rage to show the infinite value of peace. He uses tediousness to underline the importance of adventure and abandonment.
      God uses silence to give a teaching on the responsability of words.
      He uses tiredness so to understand the importance of awakening. He uses illness to underline the blessing of health.
      God uses fire to give a lesson on water. He uses Earth so to understand the importance of air. He uses death to show the importance of life.
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        in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
        Appreciate what you are for you are love, the love you search in everything and everywhere. Welcome what you are because you are what you try to be, what you want to be, you are life that creates your own life. Accept yourself, love of your love, because you are what you need to be. Smile at the love you emanate because you are that love you seek everywhere, peace of the senses.
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          Posted by: 0kiika0
          in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
          He was pretty thoroughly bewildered; he had come home, a jubilant prodigal, expecting to find everybody wild with joy over his return; and instead had got the cold shoulder and a jail. The promise and the fulfilment differed so widely that the effect was stunning; he could not decide whether it was most tragic or most grotesque. He felt much as a man might who had danced blithely out to enjoy a rainbow, and got struck by lightning.
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            Posted by: V. Pecherskaya
            in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
            If a doctor had been present, perhaps he would have been able to stop the haemorrhaging that took Penelope's life, while she shrieked and scratched at the locked door, on the other side of which her father wept in silence and her mother cowered, staring at her husband. (...) When at last they opened the door and found Penelope lying dead in a pool of her own blood, hugging a shining, purple-coloured baby, nobody was capable of uttering a single word.
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