The best quotes on Books

Posted by: Lady R.
in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
You know, sometimes, whilst I'm writing to you, I feel a strange sensation, completely physical, as if before being able to speak to you I had to see the words abandon me in a long line before getting to you, and deliver themselves to your hands.
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    Posted by: Libripassion
    in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
    When you hold things against each other, you're not in a two-way relationship anymore, but in a three-way: you, me and the worm that has started gnawing away at our story. In matter's obscurity, worms work with discretion, digging tunnels for years and, apart from some minor itchiness, you don't realize anything. Then one day you lay a cup on the table and the wood breaks, collapsing and in a moment, the sturdy surface you knew becomes a pile of soft sawdust.
    Written on saturday august 25, 2012
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      in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
      "Many miles separate us", said Legolas looking far away and creating some shade over his eyes with the palm of his hand. "I see a darkness in which some figures are moving, two great figures far off on the banks of the river; but what they are I cannot tell. It is not clouds or mists that blur my sight; there is like a shadowy veil, laid about the countryside by some strange force, which is slowly descending the course of the river. It looks like the sunset is sliding down the hillsides under the innumerable trees".
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