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in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
"Many miles separate us", said Legolas looking far away and creating some shade over his eyes with the palm of his hand. "I see a darkness in which some figures are moving, two great figures far off on the banks of the river; but what they are I cannot tell. It is not clouds or mists that blur my sight; there is like a shadowy veil, laid about the countryside by some strange force, which is slowly descending the course of the river. It looks like the sunset is sliding down the hillsides under the innumerable trees".
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    Posted by: Libripassion
    in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
    One day, though, the look of a stranger nails you to te wall. A person lightly brushes you and unexpectedly, in a moment, you avert a sensation never felt before in all your life. A feeling that almost scares you, more powerful than your certainties and your values, the same ones you've sustained and for which you've always fought for.
    Written on tuesday june 12, 2012
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      Posted by: VikyPunx
      in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
      The Academy is too large and too vulgar. Whenever I have gone there, there have been either so many people that I have not been able to see the pictures, which was dreadful, or so many pictures that I have not been able to see the people, which was worse.
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        Posted by: Deny
        in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
        Good resolutions are useless attempts to interfere with scientific laws. Their origin is pure vanity. Their result is absolutely nil. They give us, now and then, some of those luxurious sterile emotions that have a certain charm for the weak. They are but blank cheques.
        Written on wednesday may 26, 2010
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