in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
Stories are like spiders, with long legs, and are like the spider's webs in which man remains tangled, but if you look at them under a leaf, in the morning dew, they seem so pretty with that elagant way of connecting to each other, so very tight.
from the book "" by Neil Gaiman
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    Posted by: Amelie
    in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
    It happens to everyone, especially to the young, to think of having the world by the neck, and sometimes it's true. But at the same moment that someone is convinced everything is going for the best, there are some statistical laws that work at their backs ready to rip them off.
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      Posted by: V. Pecherskaya
      in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
      If a doctor had been present, perhaps he would have been able to stop the haemorrhaging that took Penelope's life, while she shrieked and scratched at the locked door, on the other side of which her father wept in silence and her mother cowered, staring at her husband. (...) When at last they opened the door and found Penelope lying dead in a pool of her own blood, hugging a shining, purple-coloured baby, nobody was capable of uttering a single word.
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