in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
"My father thought that this action had been miraculously performed. He believed that a benefactor had
arisen from the grave to save us. Oh, it was a touching superstition, monsieur, and although I did not myself believe it, I would not for the world have destroyed my father's faith. How often did he muse over it and pronounce the name of a dear friend, a friend lost to him forever; and on his death-bed, when the near approach of eternity seemed to have illumined his mind with supernatural light, this thought, which had until then been but a doubt, became a conviction, and his last words were, `Maximilian, it was Edmond Dantes!"
from the book "" by Alexandre Dumas
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    Posted by: mor-joy
    in Quotes & Aphorisms (Books)
    All the books of the world don't give you happiness, but in secret they refer to you.
    There is everything you needin there, sun stars moon.
    Because the light that you looked for lives in your chest.
    The wisdom that you have looked for a long time in a library sines in every sheet, because now it's yours.
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