The best quotes on Life

They'll always criticize you, speak badly of you, it'll be hard to meet someone who will like you as you are, so live, do what your heart tells you to do... Life is like a play that does not allow testing. So sing, cry, dance, laugh and live intensely every day of your life, before the curtain closes and the piece ends with no applause.
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    Posted by: Saverio Carulli
    Each of us must find on its behalf what is legal and what is forbidden: forbidden for him. You can not make never nothing forbidden and however be a great scoundrel. And vice versa. To be absolutely rigorous, it's comfortable. Whoever is too much comfortable to think for himself and to be judge of himself settles down to the prohibition. Easy for him. Others instead feel some Commandments inside themself and consider forbidden things that any gentleman does every day, while they feel legit other things that usually are prohibited. Everyone must be guarantor of itself.
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