The best quotes on Life

Posted by: Cheope
There are many occasions when the muscles that form the lips of the mouth move the lateral muscles that are joined to them, and there are an equal number of occasions when these lateral muscles move the lips of this mouth, replacing it where it cannot return of itself, because the function of muscle is to pull and not to push except in the case of the genitals and the tongue.
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    Posted by: Libripassion
    There are moments when life gives you moments of unexpected beauty. You stop doing something and you realize that around you everything is perfect, the gift of a less distracted God than usual. Everything seems sincere. The birth of a new life, the dawn of change, something deep or simply the confirmation of a love kept hidden, of a secret feeling, kept silently within us modestly or even the end of something, the end of a moment, of a difficult period always harder to sustain... when our short breaths end, giving way to a long and deep one that fills and empties the chest... in those moments I'm wanting for nothing...
    Written on tuesday june 12, 2012
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      Posted by: sagea
      They're not only rage and pain... you know I'm made of a thoughtful stone, the joy of hands clasped together. And, I'm free amongst beings. And amongst beings, I live like air, and I move away from beseiged solitude towards the thickness of battles to conquer indomitable joys.
      Written on tuesday may 10, 2011
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        Posted by: gdevil
        I try not to think about tomorrow; the future doesn't exist, say the indio of the highlands, we only count on the past to draw experience and knowledge, and on the present which is just the beat of an eyelid, because in that same instant it turns into past.
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