Posted by: Lina Viglione
Life is ours. You mustn't surrender when it seems all over. There are people that, without a doubt, have suffered a lot! And they've understood that when you want something you must fight for it, by doing so even when they lose they know that they fought for it and they have no regrets! Who suffers doesn't have a chance of surrendering to something. It's life's toils that put us in from of the choice between surrendering and fighting. I can state that people who never serrender are few and they often have a good reason to do so! Pain and suffering leave permanent wounds on the skin, but then, slowly, we see it all as part of us and we see that we still deserve a lot. To believe in it is very important, to believe in it and always trying to fight for it, even when all the world is against us. I think living means this.
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