You know you're missing something
but you don't know what
otherwise let's pretend
that it's not the moment to think about it
but you know it's vital
there's always a but
part of you starts thinking
that it doesn't exist
but looking around you
you notice that maybe it exists.
Do you understand what's missing now?
I don't know
or maybe I just don't want to
I hope you have at least an answer
to all my questions
even if it may seem like a single question
he hides millions of answers.
Written on tuesday september 4, 2012
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    Posted by: Daniele De Patre
    I want to live this day like my last.
    I want to try to do things my dear ones would like: they deserve it.
    I want to live thinking that every move is my last.
    I want to try to do something useful for the next.
    The hope that I might succeed, and to be considered, by him.
    If I then should manage to get to tomorrow, I'll try again.
    Written on monday september 3, 2012
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      When I was five years old, my mother would tell me that happiness is the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote "happy". They told me that I hadn't understood the question, and I told them that they hadn't understood life.
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        Posted by: Libripassion
        There are moments when life gives you moments of unexpected beauty. You stop doing something and you realize that around you everything is perfect, the gift of a less distracted God than usual. Everything seems sincere. The birth of a new life, the dawn of change, something deep or simply the confirmation of a love kept hidden, of a secret feeling, kept silently within us modestly or even the end of something, the end of a moment, of a difficult period always harder to sustain... when our short breaths end, giving way to a long and deep one that fills and empties the chest... in those moments I'm wanting for nothing...
        Written on tuesday june 12, 2012
        from the book "" by Fabio Volo
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          All the times we make projects to run from uneasiness, punctually we reinforce them. Thinking of a future life better than the one we're living, it makes us more uncertain, fragile, impotent. We could spend years feeling sorry for ourselves, saying to each other that we shall only have wellness once things'll change, when people around us will treat us better. There's nothing more untrue! It's not the outside to make us feel unhappy, but the fact that we listen to our inside, that knows very well what to do and where to take us.
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            Posted by: MartyEss
            Sometimes I thought that maybe that difference of mine from others may have been caused by a structural error. I mean, maybe, we're really different inside. As perception. I made these imaginary trips thinking that maybe what I called green for them was yellow. That maybe the taste I felt in eating pasta they felt by eating fish. That's why someone likes something and someone else likes something else. Simply because people feel different flavours. Then, maybe when someone says, I like fish, and someone else says, I like pasta, in reality they're talking about the same flavour. Once I got lost thinking that nothing tasted of anything until there was some sort of contact. That an apple didn't have a flavour of any sort until it meets the mouth that's biting it. From the meeting between the apple and the mouth is born flavour and so everyone of us in our lives creates different flavours... Like smells that change with the different skins. Everything is neutral. You give flavour to things, meeting them.
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