Posted by: MesaQueen
The Mafia isn't invincible; it's a human fact and like all human facts it has a beginning and an ending. Instead, we must realize that we can win without demanding for heroisms by inerm citizens, but using in this battle all the best forces of the institutions.
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Posted by: sagea
I love what tenaciousness is left in my eyes, in my abandoned rooms where lives the moon, and my spiders, and the destructions that are dear to me, I love my being lost, my imperfect substance.
Written on tuesday may 10, 2011
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Posted by: sagea
They're not only rage and pain... you know I'm made of a thoughtful stone, the joy of hands clasped together. And, I'm free amongst beings. And amongst beings, I live like air, and I move away from beseiged solitude towards the thickness of battles to conquer indomitable joys.
Written on tuesday may 10, 2011
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