I promise to be an excellent husband, but give me a wife who, like the moon, will not appear every day in my sky.
I promise to be an excellent husband, but give me a wife who, like the moon, will not appear every day in my sky.
Marriage is the torment of one, the felicity of two, the strife and enmity of three.
When I got married of course I wanted everything to be perfect. You're nervous because you want it to be perfect. And in that moment it has to be perfect. I'm shaking again just thinking about it.
A man should have two wives: one to love and one to sew on his buttons.
That Kitty was capable of any deep grief was unbelievable. He had gradually grown to think of her as something unapproachable and callous. She would get a divorce, of course, and eventually she would marry again. He began to consider this. Whom would she marry? He laughed bitterly, stopped; a picture flashed before him, of Kitty's arms around some man whose face he could not see, of Kitty's lips pressed close to other lips in what was surely: passion.
Marriage can wait, education cannot.
It was a marriage of love. He was sufficiently spoiled to be charming; she was ingenuous enough to be irresistible. Like two floating logs they met in a head-on rush, caught, and sped along together.
Since the law prohibits the keeping of wild animals and I get no enjoyment from pets, I prefer to remain unmarried.
It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.
There is no doubt about Martin Luther's marriage, but the rumor about his wife's early confinement is false; she is said however to be pregnant now. If there is truth in the popular legend, that Antichrist will be born from a monk and a nun (which is the story these people keep putting about), how many thousands of Antichrists the world must have already!