If a man isn't willing to tackle some risk for his opinions, either his opinions are worthess or he is.
There are 276 days until International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, tuesday 25 november.
If a man isn't willing to tackle some risk for his opinions, either his opinions are worthess or he is.
Man has the absolute need for ideas and general convictions that may give a meaning to his life and that may give him the chance to point out his place in the universe.
Man is neither angel nor beast, and the unfortunate thing is that he who would play the angel plays the beast.
The fact is that men should never try to dictate to women. They never know how to do it, and when they do do it, they always say something particularly foolish.
Men are so very, very heartless. They know their power and use it.
The woman's loyalty is big, especially when it's not required.
The husbands of very beautiful women belong to the criminal classes.
Men become old, but they never become good.
If a woman wants to hold a man, she has merely to appeal to the worst in him.
To be perfect, one lacks only a defect.