Posted by: Silvana Stremiz
in Quotes & Aphorisms (Men & Women)
Woman will easily tolerate the fact that their husbands come home late, if they would be sure that they'll not come back earlier.
Woman will easily tolerate the fact that their husbands come home late, if they would be sure that they'll not come back earlier.
Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood.
But you think of someone else, you know it well; and you know that he doesn't think of you.
- Leuos: White. The Italian word "light" derives from this.
- Aima: Blood. The Italian word "haematoma"(blood lump) derives from this.
[If you put togheter those two frightening words, it comes out a more terrible one: leukaemia]
[A name that derives from Greek and means "white blood"]
[I knew It that the white is a swindle. How can be the blood white?]
[The blood is just red]
[The tears are just salty]
[Silvia told me in tears]
- Beatrice has leukaemia.
[And her tears have become mine]
The world was made for men and not for women.
Every man should look within himself to learn the meaning of life. It is not something that is discovered: it's something that must be modelled.
Women and elephants never forget an injury.
With the proper scenery, a woman is capable of anything.
It's so fascinating to be a woman. It's an adventure that requires such courage, a never tiring challenge. You'll have many things to do if you're born a woman. To start with, you'll have to fight to sustain that if God exists he could also be an old woman with white hair or a beautiful girl. Then you'll have to fight to explain that sin wasn't born the day Eve picked the apple: that day a wonderful virtue was born called disobedience. Lastly you'll have to fight to show that inside your soft and round body there's an intelligence that is asking to be heard.
If you really love a woman, all the others are insignificant.