A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it.
A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it.
Science cannot establish any purpose and nonetheless instil them into human beaings; science, there again, can give the means with which to reach certain aims. But those same aims are conceived by people with high ethical ideals.
Now Beppe Grillo exalts the internet's democracy with the same passion with which ten years ago he would crash a computer on stage with a bat to take position against the new modern slavery created by Gates. People applauded enraptured then as they applaud enraptured now. One applauds emphasis.
All that one should know about modern life is where the Duchesses are; anything else is quite demoralising.
Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.
It is strange how science which in the old days seemed unoffensive has become a nightmare that makes all tremble.
Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.
The t9 is the invention of 21st the century. It saves you a lot of time and gives you lot of laughter, because when you want to write a word it understands another, that sometimes is the opposite one. For example when I must write "excuse", the word that appears is "fear". It's a singular coincidence, because when I must say sorry for something I have always a great fear.
Because there are tens of thousands of Osama Bin Ladens by now, and they're not only in Afghanistan or in other Arabic countries. They're everywhere, and the most hardened ones are right in the Western world. In our cities, in our roads, in our universities, in the ganglions of technology. That technology that any dolt can handle. The Crusade has been in progress for some time. It works like a Swiss watch, sustained by a faith and a malice comparable only to the faith and malice of Torquemada when he led the Inquisition. The fact is that dealing with them is impossible. Reasoning, unthinkable. Treating them with indulgence, tolerance or hope, suicide. Whoever thinks differently is deluded.
The one thing we're all waiting for is peace on earth - an end to war It's a miracle we need. The miracle, the miracle we're all waiting for today.