Posted by: Silvana Stremiz
in Quotes & Aphorisms (Moods)
Where pain should be, there the ground is sacred.
Where pain should be, there the ground is sacred.
Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.
Our biggest fear is of being inadequate
our deepest fear is of being powerful beyond measure.
It's our light, not our darkness that scares us.
We ask ourselves: "Who am I to be so brilliant, so great?
So talented, fabulous?"
Actually who are you to not be so?
You are a son of God.
If you fly low, you won't be any good to the world.
Nothing will brighten up in this world if you withdraw yourself, and wither.
Others around you won't feel safe.
We were born to witness God's glory within us.
Not only in someone, but in everyone.
In the moment when we let our light shine.
Subconsciously we allow others to do the same.
The moment we're free from our fear.
Our presence, automatically, liberates others.
Come what may, bad days shall pass, exactly like all the others.
Well, anyone can hold pain apart from those who have it.
What is the seal of liberation? No longer being ashamed in front of oneself.
How glue sticks behing photographs, it doesn't come off and if you tear it off you only tear away the first layer of nostalgia.
I have calculated with the abacus all the anxieties that in a day fill up the glass until the border but then the mouth drinks to them.
The extreme of pain, like the extreme of joy, changes the look of things.
I am the desperate one, the voice with no echo... he who had everything, he who everything lost.