The best Motivational quotes

in Quotes & Aphorisms (Motivational quotes)
They'll always criticize you, speak badly of you, it'll be hard to meet someone who will like you as you are, so live, do what your heart tells you to do... Life is like a play that does not allow testing. So sing, cry, dance, laugh and live intensely every day of your life, before the curtain closes and the piece ends with no applause.
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    Posted by: Andrea Manfrč
    in Quotes & Aphorisms (Motivational quotes)
    The most beautiful day? Today
    The biggest hurdle? Fear
    The easiest thing? Being wrong
    The biggest mistake? Giving up
    The root of all evil? Selfishness
    The biggest distraction? Work
    The worst defeat? Despondency
    The best professionals? Children
    The first need? Communication
    The greatest happiness? Being useful to others
    The biggest mistery? Death
    The worst flaw? Ill temper
    The most dangerous person? The one who lies
    The worst feeling? Resentment
    The most beautiful gift? Forgiveness
    The one you can't do without? Family
    The best direction? The right way
    The nicest sensation? Internal peace
    The best welcome? Optimism
    The greatest satisfaction? A done duty
    The greatest force? Faith
    The most beautiful thing in the world? Love
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      in Quotes & Aphorisms (Motivational quotes)
      Keep your thoughts positive
      Because your thoughts become words
      Keep you words positive
      because your words become your behaviours
      Keep your behaviours positive
      Because your behaviours become your habits
      Keep your habits positive
      Because your habits become your values
      Keep your values positive
      Because your values become your destiny.
      Written on wednesday january 11, 2012
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