Posted by: Andrea Manfrè
in Quotes & Aphorisms (Religion)
Goodness is the only investment that never fails.
Goodness is the only investment that never fails.
To die for a religion is easier than to live it absolutely.
The very word "Christianity" is a misunderstanding — in truth, there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross.
This has commonly been paraphrased: The last Christian died on the cross.
Wake up, people. Wake up! Intimidated as you are by your fear of going against the current - that is, appearing racist (a word which is entirely inapt as we are speaking not about a race but about a religion) - you don't understand or don't want to understand that a reverse–Crusade is in progress. Accustomed as you are to the double–cross, blinded as you are by myopia, you don't understand or don't want to understand that a war of religion is in progress. Desired and declared by a fringe of that religion, perhaps, but a war of religion nonetheless. A war which they call Jihad. Holy War.
God is really another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant, and the cat. He has no real style. He just goes on trying other things.
To die for one's theological beliefs is the worst use a man can make of his life.
The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad.
A casual stroll through a lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.
You don't understand or don't want to understand that if we don't oppose them, if we don't defend ourselves, if we don't fight, the Jihad will win. And it will destroy the world that for better or worse we've managed to build, to change, to improve, to render a little more intelligent, that is to say, less bigoted - or even not bigoted at all. And with that it will destroy our culture, our art, our science, our morals, our values, our pleasures.
God is absence. God is the solitude of man.