The best quotes on Soul

Posted by: Roxanne ...
You don't need to pretend you're strong, you mustn't always show that everything is going fine, you can't worry about what others think, if you should feel the need to cry do so because crying is good, to the last tear, because only then you can go back to smiling.
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    Posted by: Abfede Sempre
    Once, he said to her: "You are like me, you are different from most people. You are Kamala, nothing else, and inside of you, there is a peace and refuge, to which you can go at every hour of the day and be at home at yourself, as I can also do. Few people have this, and yet all could have it. (From "Siddharta")
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      Posted by: Rossella Porro
      Already since then the feelings were those that should've remained for ever: the uncertainty of his own worth, a constant oscillating between self-esteem and dejection, between an idealism which lied above al worldly matter and a natural appetite of the senses, and now as then, even a hundred times later did I see those traits in my nature sometimes as a despicable illness, and sometimes as a sign of worth.
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