Posted by: MesaQueen
in Quotes & Aphorisms (Wisdom)
If a man needed a bunch of women meant that he didn't have one worthy of that name.
Written on tuesday may 29, 2012
If a man needed a bunch of women meant that he didn't have one worthy of that name.
Many give to others what they need most for themselves.
We are not sent into the world to air our moral prejudices.
Experience has two things to teach; the first is that we must correct a great deal; the second, that we must not correct too much.
You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him to find it within himself.
The common hillflowers wither, but they blossom again. The laburnum will be as yellow next June as it is now. In a month there will be purple stars on the clematis, and year after year the green night of its leaves will hold its purple stars. But we never get back our youth. The pulse of joy that beats in us at twenty, becomes sluggish. Our limbs fail, our senses rot. We degenerate into hideous puppets, haunted by the memory of the passions of which we were too much afraid, and the exquisite temptations that we had not the courage to yield to...Youth! Youth! There is absolutely nothing in the world but youth.
Thousands plague the ramifications of evil, but only one hits the root.
I eliminated various people from my life...
People I thought were essential for me, people made of thousands of promises and not one act. And more time goes by and more I realize that I only took the best decision.
And men go to contemplate the peaks of mountains, the vast billows of the sea, the vast currents of the rivers, the immensity of the ocean, the course of stars, and don't think about themselves.
To find everything profound, that is an inconvenient trait. It makes one strain one's eyes all the time, and in the end one finds more than one might have wished.