in Quotes & Aphorisms (Wisdom)
What we learn from history is that no one learns from history.
What we learn from history is that no one learns from history.
There is no Monday which will not give its place to Tuesday.
The inscrutable wisdom through which we exist is not less worthy of veneration in respect to what it denies us than in respect to what it has granted.
Not one man in five cycles, who is wise, will expect appreciative recognition from his fellows, or any one of them. Appreciation! Recognition! Is love appreciated? Why, ever since Adam, who has got to the meaning of this great allegory — the world? Then we pigmies must be content to have our paper allegories but ill comprehended.
Reasoning will never make a man correct an ill opinion, which by reasoning he never acquired.
A pinch of probability is worth a pound of perhaps.
General propositions do not decide concrete cases.
Whatever appears against their prevailing vice goes for nothing, being either not applied, or passing for libel and slander.
Fools make researches and wise men exploit them, that is our earthly way of dealing with the question, and we thank Heaven for an assumed abundance of financially impotent and sufficiently ingenious fools.
There is no such thing as intellectual property.