Don't wait to finish university,
to fall in love,
to find a job,
to get married,
to have children,
to see them settle down,
to lose those ten pounds,
for friday evening to arrive or sunday morning,
autumn or winter.
There isn't a better moment than this to be happy.
Happiness is a path, not a destination.
Work as if you didn't need money,
love as if no one ever hurt you and dance, as if no one saw you.
Remember that the skin wrinkles up,
the hair turns white and the days become years.
But the important things don't change: your strength and conviction have no age.
Your spirit is the duster that wipes away any cobweb.
Behind every goal is a new start.
Behind every result is a new challenge. While you're alive, feel alive.
Go on, even when everyone expects you to give up.



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